Sunday, 18 March 2018

Who am I?

I am a mature age student studying a Bachelor of Journalism.  With age generally comes a wealth of experience and wisdom. I say generally because age is not always the defining condition for wisdom. Performing arts and poetry are my passion. As a person I am loyal, punctual and mindful of how my words and actions can affect others. Many years of studying philosophy have enabled me to improve myself as a person, learn about myself and what my core values are and what they mean to me. Philosophy has taught me unity over division and empathy for others who may not have the advantages in life that we often take for granted. Creativity, loyalty, punctuality, empathy for others and humour are my core values. I find a connection and tranquility in nature, love to travel and I also enjoy experiencing the richness of other cultures.

What do I stand for?

I stand for fairness with its foundation in reason and for those that have no voice to speak for themselves.  I have a sense of social justice for those that have fallen by the wayside and for those that need to be helped up not pushed further down. I endeavor to understand the complexities of living in a capitalist system with the need to prosper as a nation but not at the expense of decency and values. I try to see the light in the dark. Optimism sometimes fails me. With self-reflection this enables me to observe the clouds of doubt and dispel them.

Why is this important to me and what is my experience?

As a journalist it will be my responsibility to report in a factual and unbiased way where ever possible. This enables consumers of media to make fully informed choices and to disseminate the words of influential people and those they influence on their merit alone. As a communicator I would like to think I could ignite a spark of reasoned thought pertaining to the content of a story, to encourage dialogue and not opinion based on propaganda. We all have our short comings and imperfections. We are products of our upbringing influenced by our parents and the zeitgeist of the time.  None of this precludes us from self-examination and inner reflection. I have been able to reflect on my past and discard negative values and judgements through my twenty year study and tutoring of practical philosophy. This enabled me to see the present with a view to the future. You cannot change that which you do not acknowledge. In my early years I served as a Royal Navy Clearance Diver. This gave me discipline, endurance, loyalty and a sense of humour. I learned the importance of working in a team.

What is my vision?

As a journalist whether I report on impropriety or just some light-hearted banter that puts a smile on people’s faces the content will be fair, factual and unbiased. If the opportunity arises I would like to travel and bring unique and thought-provoking issues to light. My vision is to get people to reflect and question rather than make judgements based on partial knowledge. Everyone has a story and it will be my job to tell that story.


Coventry's Cross of Nails Captured on Canvas